Say Goodbye To Nephrotic Syndrome
Wang , male, 37 years old.On May 30, 1995, be diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome in one of the province hospital, and the treatment there does not have obvious effect. One of his friends recommends him to our kidney disease treatment center, kidney disease expert professor wang personally make a diagnosis and give treatment for the patient, now the disease had significantly better.
First diagnosis: swelling for months, used to have hormone 60 mg/day, the illness has no obvious improvement. Proteinuria PRO++ + + now.
Edema in lower extremities, press have obvious sag, abdominal distension, waist ache, urine little and yellow, less difficult to urinate, feed, flat, dry mouth, tongue coating in the central yellow greasy, white purple, pulse small string
Second diagnosis: after taking the drug edema significantly reduced, urine amount has increased, the lower abdomen bilges, lumbar acid, right ear breath, coating Huang Zhong rear thin greasy, amaranthine, pulse string.
Third diagnosis: edema disappeared, lumbar acid, sleep well and wake up early, urine yellow.Urine test normal, pus cells+, only need to clear the blood, invigorate the circulation of t2dm.
Fouth diagnosis: the patients after taking the drug only overwork has backs acid, with occasional loose stool, continue do as the doctor said, disease in a stable condition. urine test continuous negative, the renal function become normal.
Observe in half a year, urine test negative, blood cholesterol and serum albumin returned to normal, disease rehabilitation.
Wang now can normal work, he felt very happy,he said the kidney disease treatment center saved him, gave him a second life, quite thank professor Wang.