Early Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome for Female
As we all know,the early symptoms of kidney disease in clinical presentation is relatively hidden which discovered difficultly by people. So it’s very important to know the knowledge of early symptoms about kidney disease.
In women’s early symptoms of kidney disease, the most common feeling is kidney pain, including unilateral or bilateral renal colic or renal area pain. The abnormal urine such as hematuresis, proteinurina, pyuria are caused by renal lesions. Because there are many reserve monads in kidney, the impaired kidney function is not very obvious when some nephrons are injured. If people can notice the early symptoms of kidney disease, discover the renal lesions and treat it timely, we can make a big difference on the treatment of kidney disease.
Early Symptoms of Nephritic Syndrome for Female:
1. Abnormal Urine
Due to the declining of renal function, kidney disease can appear less urine (24 hours urine volume is less than 400ml) or anuria. People will have the phenomenon of diuresis after taking diuretic. Besides, renal insufficiency can result in nocturnal enuresis and uroschesis.
Such phenomenons as hematuresis (both of microscopic or naked eye), pyuria, proteinurine are usually caused by injured glomerulus. It’s a very important characteristic of glomerular proteinurine, if the proteinuria is over 3.5g/day.
2. Renal Edema
Edema is the result of the increased liquid capacity between cells. Liquid capacity causes water-sodium retention. The main reason is that renal lesions makes the reduction of glomerulus filtration rate, and leads to the obstacle of water and sodium. Thus renal edema appears.
3. kidney enlargement
Renal lesions results in abnormal kidney volume, mainly with unilateral renal enlargement and bilateral enlargement.
4. Renal Colic, Pain of Renal Region
Renal colic is a paroxysmal drastic ache of renal region pain, presents intermittent and continuous, even paroxysmal aggravation. Parts of patients would present atypical renal colic: lighter angina or remission quickly.
All kinds of pains on unilateral or bilateral renal region are durative, swelling or dull.
5. Hypertension
Parts of patients suffer from hypertension by vessel of kidney or injured renal parenchyma. And patients who have figured hypertension are often with anemia or hypoproteinemia.