
Can the Kidney Disease Get a Radical Cure? No More Relapse?

I have worked as a doctor for several years and I have met many patients, like chronic nephritis, Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura Nephritis, lupus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy…… Besides, I have treat many uremia patients( end stage of kidney disease) by taking our TCM treatment(traditional Chinese medicines treatment), I cannot say that our TCM treatment is magical, but most of the patients got a satisfied treatment result.
According to my years of clinical experiences, many patients often ask me several questions, which often perplex me, so today I will share with all of you:
1 Can the kidney disease get a radical cure? No more relapse?
This is the top one question that almost all the patients and their family members will ask.
Is there any problem for this question? Of course YES! Because I do not know how to answer exactly……
Can the kidney disease get a radical cure?
Can you tell me what can be called a radical cure for you? As long as the kidney exists in your body, the it is possible for him to get damages, and as long as the kidney disease get any damages, the kidney disease will appear.
So now can you answer me that can the kidney disease get a radical cure?
Will the kidney disease get relapse after the treatment?
My answer is of course yes. Not only for the kidney disease, but also for the common disease cold, no one doctor dare to promise you that, it will mot relapse any more. Right?
2 Can the kidney disease get a complete recovery by taking *** medicines?(Which foods are good for kidney disease?/ What I should eat to cure my kidney disease?)
This is also a common question heard from the patients and what they often ask is about the fruits, tea or other foods.(Some people even ask me whether I can eat bread or rice.)
I can understand that you have this doubt. After all be carful is necessary once you have the kidney disease. So here I give you a conclude answer: you can eat most of the foods but the number should be less.
Will the diet influence the body health? Yes, it is certainly will, but this will happen only on the condition that some one eat something in a large number and keep for a long time.
For example, some years ago there is a saying: eating tomatoes can prevent the attack of cancer so one expert has take a research about this, and his result is that, if you want to prevent the attack of cancer, you need to eat at least 2 kg/day, and you need keep eating each day no pause.
So is there any body will do like this? May be yes, but I guess that person will not be you. It is really a hard thing for us!
So do not feel confused about the diet, the kidney disease patients only need to keep a diet with light taste and less salt for each meal.
3 My disease is under control by taking the medical hormones so will the Chinese medicines be effective for my disease?
Here I need to correct a misunderstanding: control does not equal to cure.
Do you know the function of the medical hormone for kidney disease? The function of this hormone is to reduce the permeability of kidney cells, which can prevent the leakage of protein forcedly. So the result after taking the medical hormone is the quick changing of positive protein to negative protein. But the function of hormone will not exist all the time, the kidney disease will get relapse once you stop the taking of medical hormone.
So someone put forward that, we can keep taking the medical hormone without cause, then the kidney disease will not get relapse any more.
But have you forgot the ‘medicines resistance’? So the medical hormone also cannot only solve the kidney disease totally, but also will cause many side effects.
So how about the TCM treatment for kidney disease? How does the TCM treatment work for the kidney disease?
In the final analysis, the function of TCM treatment is promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
There are two groups of blood capillary in our kidneys, which have a important function of filtration. The blood in our whole body need to run through the kidney for over 50 times per day, so once the blood has the symptom of silting up, what will happen? So the theory of Chinese medicines treatment is to solve the problem of silting up, which is the fundamental method for solving the kidney disease totally.
Once the problem of silting up in blood is solved, the blood circulation comes to the normal condition, the enough nutrition will be able to reach to the kidney and other organs successfully. And when all the harmful things in blood are removed out from body, your kidney disease will get a good recovery gradually.
Here is a typical case of one kidney disease patient, he is a uremia patient with a high creatinine of 967, and he has not taken any medical hormones, no dialysis, only taking the Chinese herbs for a systematic treatment, finally his creatinine has decreased to 200 and his kidney disease is controlled in a very stable condition. Now he is able to walk outside to enjoy the sunshine and chat with his friends.


Exercise for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Exercise plays an important role on patients’ living life. Regular exercise can change the nephrotic syndrome patients’ life condition both in physically and emotionally, so patients with nephrotic syndrome should do some exercise. Here are several kinds of exercises for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome.

  Aerobic exercise

  It means the mild exercise which can get large muscle groups involved so as to keep the heart rate increased, such as jogging, walking, swimming etc.
  It can be done indoors, which makes them year-round activities. It can be safe and beneficial exercise for people with Chronic Kidney Disease. You may get an alleviation of the symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breathing after a regular jogging.
  Walking is one of the simplest and most available aerobic exercises. You can vary the intensity to match your fitness level. It is easy and simple, as well as free, which makes itself a good choice for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome.
  Swimming is an excellent aerobic exercise, but considerations should be made before starting a program. As a mild exercise, it benefits the health of nephrotic syndrome patients, especially for children and teenagers.

  Resistance exercise

  Resistance exercise refers to the exercise which can improve the muscular strength and endurance.
  Resistance bands
  Resistance bands – like giant rubber bands – these provide resistance when stretched. They are portable and can be adapted to most workouts. The bands provide continuous resistance throughout a movement

  Skills-base exercise

  It refers to the exercises aiming at improving coordination, flexibility and balance, such as stretching.
  Butterfly Stretch
  The first way to stretch your pulled groin is the butterfly stretch, a stretch of modest difficulty that should be accessible enough for practically anyone to have a go at it. You begin this stretch by first sitting on the ground. Bend both of your knees in such a way that the bottoms of both of your feet end up touching each other. At this stage, make use of your hands to hold on to your feet. While in this position, use both of your elbows to make contact with your knees and then push them down toward the floor. Keep this position for about 10 to 15 seconds, but keep in mind that this should be a gentle stretch. If you start to feel some pain beyond the mere stretch, back off the motion.


Why Does Nephrotic Syndrome Attack Repeatedly

Nephrotic syndrome attacks repeatedly after conventional treatment, which is a main factor of why it is difficult to be cured. The clinical symptoms are easy to be controlled by hormones, but it is also easy to relapse. Then why does this situation happen?
Here are two main reasons:
Hormones can only cure the symptoms, not the disease
During the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, we can’t say that hormones and other western medicines have no effect. There is no doubt that hormones could eliminate symptoms effectively in a short time, such as protein and occult blood turn negative. But it can only cure the symptoms, not the disease. It can only control the illness temporarily, but can’t treat the cause—damaged renal tissue.
Traditional Chinese medicine begins with the repair of pathological injury and recuperating of kidneys. Clinical study found that most of the patients have good treatment effect and the recurrence rate decreases obviously.
Children are easy to catch cold and get infection which could aggravate illness
Generally speaking, patients with kidney disease have a decline in immunity, so they are likely to catch cold and get infection. And children are growing, the systems of the body haven’t matured yet, so they are more likely to be invaded by diseases.
Hope it can help you for the treatment. Hoping that you will get ell soon.


Nephrotic Syndrome Complications

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease with a group of symptoms and complications. How can patients know they are patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, here are some complications that they can refer to.
  Low protein levels may lead to a reduction in blood volume. In severe cases, intravenous fluids may be given to boost the body’s water content.
  Blood clots
  Proteinuria should be responsible for this complication for protein has the ability to prevent clotting in the blood. Protein in urine is an outstanding symptom of nephrotic syndrome. Blood clots may increase the risk of shock, myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism etc.
  High blood cholesterol and elevated blood triglycerides
  When the level of the protein albumin in your blood falls, your liver makes more albumin. At the same time, your liver releases more cholesterol and triglycerides.
  Osteomalacia and osteitis fibrosis cystica
  With nephrotic syndrome developing, the vitamin D-binding protein and its complexes leak into urine increase the risk of those complications through a combination of calcium absorption and secondary hyperparathyroidism.
  Poor nutrition
  Loss of too much blood protein can result in malnutrition. This can lead to weight loss, but it may be masked by swelling.
  High blood pressure
  Damage to your glomeruli and the resulting buildup of wastes in your bloodstream (uremia) can raise your blood pressure.
  Acute kidney failure
  If your kidneys lose their ability to filter blood due to damage to the glomeruli, waste products may build up quickly in your blood. If this happens, you may need emergency dialysis — an artificial means of removing extra fluids and waste from your blood — typically with an artificial kidney machine (dialyzer).
  Chronic kidney failure
  Nephrotic syndrome may cause your kidneys to gradually lose their function over time. If kidney function falls low enough, you may require dialysis or a kidney transplant.
  A large quantity of immunoglobulin loses in urine when Nephrotic Syndrome occurs. Plasma proteins are also affected accordingly. It turns out that the formation of antibody becomes a big problem, which contributes to low immunity. To make things worse, the application of steroids and cytotoxic drugs is no good to immune system.


Damages Caused by Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a serious disease which could damage children’s health and affect their growth and development. Then what are the damages caused by nephrotic syndrome?
It is the most common complication and the main factor of death. According to statistics, death caused by direct or indirect infection accounts for 70% of the death rate of children with kidney disease. Infection is often the inducement of repeated attack or deterioration of nephrotic syndrome, it can also affect the curative effect of hormones.
Hypercoagulable state and thromboembolism
After getting the nephrotic syndrome, coagulation and fibrinolytic system may have changes as below:
● Increase of fibrinogen
● Increase of IV and V blood coagulation factor
● Decline of antithrombin III
● Decline of plasminogen activity
● Number of blood platelet may increase, and its adhesion and aggregation force could rise.
Metabolic disorders of calcium and vitamin D
After getting nephrotic syndrome, vitamin D binding protein(VDBP) in the blood lost from urine, then deficiency of vitamin D could affect the calcium absorption in intestines and cause hyperparathyroidism. The clinical symptoms include hypocalcemia, vitamin D deficiency and poor bone calcification.
Due to low plasma albumin and decline of plasma colloid osmotic pressure, children with nephrotic syndrome often have hypovolemia. The symptoms include orthostatic hypotension blood, prerenal azotemia and even shock.
Acute renal hypofunction
Its causes are:
● Serious renal interstitium edema
● Hypovolemia
● Complicated by bilateral renal venous thrombosis
● Tubulointerstitial lesions caused by drugs
Renal tubules dysfunction
It can be manifest as glycosuria, aminoaciduria, lost potassium and phosphorus in urine, concentrating function deficiency, etc.
Children may have sustained hyperlipidemia. When involving the coronary artery, patients may have chest distress, angina, change of electrocardiogram and even sudden death.
Neurological symptoms
Children may have neurological symptoms like headache, twitch, visual impairment, etc. It may be caused by hypertensive encephalopathy, cerebral edema, dilutional hyponatremia, hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia.


Children are unable to stand such tossing about!

Children are parents’ heart. When children catch cold, the whole family can fall a mess. And Lele, a one and half years old child, is a typical case.

This September, Lele caught cold as the whether got colder. While this is different from previous cold, her two eyelid became swollen. Her mother thought it was unusual, so they went to local hospital.

After several tests, the doctor told her that urine protein 3+, albumin 16.1g/L, and also two eyelid swell. These are all symptoms of nephrotic syndrome.

It’s unbelievable that a cold can cause kidney disease! Her mother knew kidney is a severe disease, so she brought her child to Nanjing General Hospital directly. And the main treatment method of Nanjing General Hospital is hormone, and only 18 days later, Lele recovered and left hospital. While unluckily, Lele relapsed after two months. Nanjing general hospital still use hormone to treat, so her mother decided to go to our hospital--Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

Doctor Zhang, as Lele’s attending doctor, firstly explained the nosogenesis of kidney disease is that because of infection there are lots of immune complex depositing in kidney so that kidney is damaged. So the treatment should start from improving immunity and clearing immune complex.

Hormone is used for anti-infection and it can lower the permeability of kidney cells which can prevent protein leaking and remove urine protein. While the effect of hormone cannot keep long time, and it can lower immunity which make patients catch cold easier. That’s the reason why patients relapse again and again.

Our hospital mainly uses traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, while hormone totally become adjuvant. Doctor Zhang explained that the main effect of traditional Chinese medicine is clearing immune complex and blood and add hormone’s anti-infection effect, which solve the two main kidney disease problems.

Hope this treatment can keep on, children are unable to stand such tossing about. 

Say Goodbye To Nephrotic Syndrome

Wang , male, 37 years old.On May 30, 1995, be diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome in one of the province hospital, and the treatment there does not have obvious effect. One of his friends recommends him to our kidney disease treatment center, kidney disease expert professor wang personally make a diagnosis and give treatment for the patient, now the disease had significantly better.
First diagnosis: swelling for months, used to have hormone 60 mg/day, the illness has no obvious improvement. Proteinuria PRO++ + + now.
Edema in lower extremities, press have obvious sag, abdominal distension, waist ache, urine little and yellow, less difficult to urinate, feed, flat, dry mouth, tongue coating in the central yellow greasy, white purple, pulse small string
Second diagnosis: after taking the drug edema significantly reduced, urine amount has increased, the lower abdomen bilges, lumbar acid, right ear breath, coating Huang Zhong rear thin greasy, amaranthine, pulse string.
Third diagnosis: edema disappeared, lumbar acid, sleep well and wake up early, urine yellow.Urine test normal, pus cells+, only need to clear the blood, invigorate the circulation of t2dm.
Fouth diagnosis: the patients after taking the drug only overwork has backs acid, with occasional loose stool, continue do as the doctor said, disease in a stable condition. urine test continuous negative, the renal function become normal.
Observe in half a year, urine test negative, blood cholesterol and serum albumin returned to normal, disease rehabilitation.
Wang now can normal work, he felt very happy,he said the kidney disease treatment center saved him, gave him a second life, quite thank professor Wang.